Ask A Question, & Get Featured In An Article!

If you are in business, you probably have issues pop up from time to time. If you would like to get an answer from one of our professionals, ask away. We are looking to write relevant articles for our readers and so we are happy to give you a solid answer. 

By participating, we will also feature you in an article and share info about you and your company as well as a link to your website.


Dale Berkebile is the founder of the Business Success Movement
Most questions will be answered by me, Dale Berkebile . I’ve been in business for over 19 years so I’ve seen a lot, read a lot, and learned a lot over the last two decades and I’d love to help you.

our focus is creating educational business content and BUILDING a supportive community. Here are the benefits of asking a question:

  1. First you get a professional answer to a business question, challenge or struggle you are having.
  2. You get some free publicity about your company.
  3. You prove that you are openminded and not a know it all.
  4. You also prove that you are open to help the business community but asking these questions in public and allowing others to learn about a topic they may be having a question about too. This is a Give-To-Get community and by asking a question, and participating, you are giving back and helping other business owners.
Dale is attentive, patient, and dedicated to helping his clients succeed.
Erin Colbert
Business Owner
Dale is a very results oriented professional who always came through with great insights and suggestions.
William McIntosh
Managing Partner
Dale is an excellent resource and has a deep knowledge of business and knows how to get it done.
Josh Davis
Business Owner

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